
Monday, September 13, 2010

Initial Thoughts on IFTD

It's been a few years since I attended this show.  I have some mixed feelings on this year's event.  Overall I think it was a good event for most of the vendors.  Everyone I spoke to said they were having a successful show.  For me the show was lacking some of the excitement of past years and some of the big names in the industry were noticeably absent.  However it was great to meet some fellow bloggers and catch up with some old friends.  The Drake film awards were an absolute blast and I am excited about some of the new products being released in the near future.  Overall I'll call it a success and look for some improvements next summer in the Big Easy.  Hopefully whatever differences exist with this industry can be worked out by then and we can all get back on track.

Look for additional posts on the happenings at the IFTD over the next few days.

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