
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tenkara Flies

This year for Christmas my wife gave me a Tenkara fly rod, leader and this vial of flies.  These flies which I assume are designed to imitate mayflies are very elegant.  I sat down at the vise to duplicate one and I think I did a fair job.


  1. Welcome to the Tenkara community! I've recently purchased a Tenkara rod, but haven't had much opportunity yet to use it. You'll have to keep us updated on your Tenkara exploits.

  2. Thanks...
    I pretty excited about this, I can't wait to give it ago.

  3. Does the Tenkara rod have to be fully extended? The 13 footer looks to be the best if it can be used at the shorter lengths for tight spaces.

  4. The Tenkara rods definitely need to be fully extended to fish properly. I prefer to use long rods on small waters and though 13' is a bit long than the 9 footer I usually use I think I will be able to manage it. My biggest unanswered question is how the rod will handle larger fish.
