
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Not your typical trout stream resident!

I was standing in the shallow water on the edge of the river, tying on a new section of tippet, when I felt something heavy climbing over my wading boots.  I looked down and almost jumped out of my skin when I saw this large snapping turtle clambering over my boots.  I had been standing motionless for a while watching a few rising fish on the opposite bank so I guess he figured I was part of the landscape.  Once my heartbeat returned to normal I left this fellow to his own devices and I proceeded to catch one of those rising fish.


  1. Nice sized snapper there. Not a bad fish either;)

  2. What a nice looking fish!

  3. Wow, that's a serious chomper. The trout is beautiful! All those spots and nnone of them red?!

  4. Thanks. That's why I took the picture. Definitely an unusual fish!
