
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Little Dark

As promised,  here is a little more information on the this "new" pattern.  Last fall I started playing around with a few small dark colored generic nymph imitations.  Using Fly DK synthetic quill material as a abdomen allowed for a neat trim profile.  A little silver wire for ribbing, synthetic peacock dubbed thorax for a buggy apperance, a strip of mylar for the wing case adds a little flash and a black tungsten bead to supply the weight and the Little Dark was born.  This pattern has quite a bit of flash to it.  The Fly DK Pearl synthetic quill abdomen gives it iridescence and the silver wire and mylar wing case add quite a bit of sparkle. 
The first two trips of the year as yielded excellent results for this new pattern.  The river at the time was seeing a lot of small black stone fly activity which may have accounted for its success.  I will have to see if it continues to produce through out the year.

Hook: 2xlong nymph hook size 14-18
Bead:  Black tungsten
Thread:  Black 6/0 Danville
Tail:  Dyed black pheasant tail fibers
Ribbing:  Small silver wire
Abdomen:  Fly DK Pearl Synthetic Quill
Thorax:  Synthetic peacock dubbing
Wing case:  Mylar

If you need a source for the DK synthetic quill check out Performance Flies.  Kevin is a great guy to deal with and has always been my source for this fantastic fly tying material.


  1. great looking fly and even better that it works. I've been meaning to order up some of that UV Body quill material as well.

    Thanks for sharing.
    Passinthru Outdoors Blog - Sharing the Passion

  2. very sweet. I'm obsessed with UV Quill. I keep ordering it off Compton's site because I keep running out of it. I tie a bunch of similar patterns and they definitely work. Is that Jan Siman dubbing?

  3. Hi there,

    Trying to find that UV quill on the Performance flies website but unsure at what type you are using in this pattern, any help please??

