
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Feather Craft Fly Fishing Gear Giveaway

Feather Craft Fly Fishing has started up another gear giveaway.  This month they are giving away SUMO Rod Mounts for two lucky winners.  This is an excellent opportunity to throw your name in the hat for some fine new gear!
The only affiliation I have with Feather Craft is that I have been a long time customer and I just happened to be one of the winners in their last giveaway. So the least I could do is give them a plug.

I ended up with a $100.00 gift certificate.  I was shocked when I received the e-mail that I was a winner.  If I can do it so can you, all you need to do is drop your name (and e-mail) in the hat.  Just click on the banner above or the link below and visit their site!


  1. Congratulations on willing the give away. I'll have to enter this one.

  2. I just found out about your blog through brttrt. Great pictures and I enjoy your art work.
