
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The International Fly Tying Symposium

Work In Progress
I attended the International Fly Tying Symposium this past weekend.  I actually enjoy this show a little more than its big brother The Fly Fishing Show, which takes place in January.  This event is smaller and more intimate.  You have an opportunity to spend more time with the tiers and not feel like you need to move on so someone else and step up to the booth and take a peak or ask a question.  It's also a great place to catch up with old friends and make new ones.  It seems I can't walk down an aisle without bumping into someone that I know.  I spent a lot of time with various tiers and picked their brains.  There is an incredible amount of talent at this event.  The event attracts world class fly tiers from around the globe.  Some of the talent at this event are not the featured celebrity tiers, it's the folks attending the show.  Strike up a conversation with someone and they are likely to reach into their bag and produce their latest secret weapons in the world of fly tying.  Some of the best ideas I walked away with came from folks like me who were their to learn but brought along some of their own work to show off.  Over the next week or so I'll put up some photographs and share some of the wisdom I gathered.

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